élections américaines 1960
In a closely contested election, Democratic United States Senator John F. Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon , the Republican Party nominee. Britannica Kids Holiday Bundle! Le business des élections américaines à l’heure de l’Internet. Roosevelt, quant à lui, a remporté toutes les villes américaines de plus de 400 000 habitants, sauf Cincinnati, dans l'Ohio. Kennedy thus became the first Roman Catholic and the youngest person ever elected president. Nevertheless, Kennedy won the nomination on the first ballot, with 806 votes. Sitting Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president in American history to be legally ineligible for re-election, due to the 1951 ratification of the 22nd Amendment. Throughout the administration of Pres. Kennedy and Humphrey were the only major Democratic contenders to enter presidential primaries in 1960. Presidential posturing began in earnest when the U.S. Congress reconvened in August, after the political conventions had been concluded. Kennedy and Nixon both used set speeches in their public appearances. The party platform adopted at Los Angeles promised to expand the country’s defense and foreign aid programs. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. United States House of Representatives elections in South Carolina, 1960; 1960 United States House of Representatives elections; United States Senate. Their first significant primary was in Wisconsin in April. As vice president, Nixon presided over the Senate. Sur les 34 sièges en compétition en I960, les républicains ont gagné deux sièges démocrates, et les démocrates n'ont gagné aucun siège républicain. The historical trends in voter turnout in the United States presidential elections have been determined by the gradual expansion of voting rights from the initial restriction to white male property owners aged 21 or older in the early years of the country's independence, to all citizens aged 18 or older in the mid-20th century. Kennedy was The 1960 United States elections was held on November 8, and elected the members of the 87th United States Congress. Le scrutin est marqué par le score important d'un troisième homme, le gouverneur de l'Alabama George Wallace, qui emporte 13,5 % du vote populaire et 46 grands électeurs. Kennedy carried a mix of Southern, Midwestern, and Northeastern states, while Nixon dominated the West and won a majority of states. Citing voting irregularities in Illinois and Texas, many observers questioned whether Kennedy had legally won those states, and some prominent Republicans—including Eisenhower—even urged Nixon to contest the results. Élections américaines. In the Electoral College, Kennedy’s victory was larger, as he took 303 electoral votes to Nixon’s 219 (269 were needed to win). Reportages. Elections, 4th ed. [2][3] Nixon, the first sitting vice president to win either party's nomination since John C. Breckinridge in 1860, easily won his party's nomination. They did, however, provide voters with an opportunity to compare the two candidates. United States presidential election of 1960, American presidential election held on November 8, 1960, in which Democrat John F. Kennedy narrowly defeated Republican Vice Pres. Chaque seconde, la dette des USA varie de $ +9 843,18 Chaque jour, la dette des USA varie de $ +850 450 665,55 Le 05/03/2019, la dette des États-Unis s'élevait à $22 028 524 548 386. Depuis, la participation à l'élection présidentielle a régulièrement décliné. One newspaperman called him a “young man in a hurry.” Kennedy felt that he had to redouble his efforts because of the widespread conviction that no Roman Catholic candidate could be elected president. County-level maps and data are available for the elections from 1960 through 2008 (and prior to 1960 for members). Create a specific match-up by clicking the party and/or names near the electoral vote counter. Nixon, the first presidential nominee to campaign in every state, emphasized that he would carry on the basic policies of the Eisenhower administration, but he also indicated that he would improve upon them in such areas as welfare programs, foreign aid, and defense. Both nominees were principal figures in the session, which was held in a politically charged atmosphere. An unprecedented series of four television debates between the two nominees constituted the highlight of the campaign. Button from John F. Kennedy's 1960 U.S. presidential campaign. Crisscrossing the country on planes, trains, automobiles, and buses, Nixon and Kennedy were speaking, shaking hands, and conferring with politicians from coast to coast for most of September, for all of October, and for the seven days of November preceding the election. C'est la 44e élection présidentielle du pays et elle a opposé le sénateur du Massachusetts démocrate John Fitzgerald Kennedy, qui faisait campagne sur le thème d'une « Nouvelle frontière » (New Frontier) au républicain Richard Nixon, vice-président en fin de mandat. The Class 2 Senate seat in Oregon held concurrent regular and special elections. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Test your knowledge of U.S. presidents and first ladies with this in-depth quiz. For the results of the subsequent election, see United States presidential election of 1964. Leaders of both parties considered Lodge a formidable choice. Both Humphrey and Kennedy campaigned energetically in that state, which borders Humphrey’s home state of Minnesota. L'élection présidentielle américaine du 6 novembre 1984 opposa le président républicain sortant Ronald Reagan au candidat démocrate, Walter Mondale, ancien vice-président de Jimmy Carter. The election on November 8, 1960 remains one of the most famous election nights in American history. Johnson, however, hoped to wrest the nomination from Kennedy. In the presidential election, Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy from Massachusetts defeated sitting Republican Vice President Richard Nixon. Élections américaines 2020: les sondages de Trump et Biden dans les États-clés ... Ce swing-state longtemps démocrate a - depuis les années 1960 - pris un tournant républicain. Sur les 106 villes de plus de 100 000 habitants, il a remporté 61 % des voix exprimées ; dans l'ensemble du sud des États-Unis, il a obtenu 73 % du vote total. La grande CROISADE #Zemmour : fraudes démocrates massives aux élections présidentielles américaines de 1960 et 2020 mathesisuniversalis Croisade contre l'Islam Pour réussir sa vie, deux choses sont cruciales : – ne jamais quitter Montauban -toujours regarder Zemmour sur CNews, dans « Face à l’info » Cette semaine il a révélé que Biden a gagné suite… Although Nixon performed well rhetorically, Kennedy managed…, …new age was indicated in 1960 by the comparative youth of the presidential candidates chosen by the two major parties. Election américaine : le taux de participation à son plus haut niveau depuis les années 1960. Kennedy went to the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, held July 11–15, 1960, as the front-runner for the nomination, with some 600 delegates of the 761 needed for nomination secured. It was held on Tuesday, November 8, 1960. Kennedy said that the United States was falling behind the Soviet Union in the race for world supremacy and that the United States must “do better.” He pointed to the regime of Fidel Castro in Cuba—“just ten minutes by jet from the United States.” Kennedy also stressed the need for programs to deal with unemployment in chronically depressed areas and for more rapid U.S. economic growth. Ce serait un record depuis le duel Kennedy-Nixon de 1960, qui avait mobilisé 62,8% des électeurs, selon The American Presidency Project*. The campaign was memorable for an unprecedented series of four televised debates between the two candidates. Dans les années 1930, Franklin Roosevelt avait fait de la radio son outil privilégié … The selection was generally interpreted as a move to hold the South, where opposition to Kennedy’s religion was strong and where the traditional Democratic leanings of the voters were changing. As a senator from Massachusetts and as an author of the minimum-wage bill that was one of the principal measures to be acted upon during the session, Kennedy had an important stake in seeing to it that the achievements of the session were substantial. The Republican platform promised to continue and to improve upon the programs of the Eisenhower administration. The campaign began in earnest in January 1960, when Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts and Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota announced their candidacies for the Democratic nomination. Kennedy’s relative inexperience…, Already his campaign for the 1960 nomination had begun. Compteur en temps réel de la dette des USA. Les électeurs américains se sont mobilisés en masse pour ce scrutin présidentiel. Kennedy tackled the election issue of his Catholicism in a speech to a group of Protestant ministers in Houston. https://www.britannica.com/event/United-States-presidential-election-of-1960, Maps of World - U.S. Presidential Election 1960, History Central - United States presidential election of 1960, Public Broadcasting Service - The 1960 Presidential Election, United States presidential election of 1956, United States presidential election of 1964, Presidency of the United States of America. Kennedy then surprised most of his supporters by picking Johnson as his vice presidential running mate. The 1960 United States House of Representatives elections was an election for the United States House of Representatives in 1960, which coincided with the election of President John F. Kennedy and was the first house election to feature all 50 current U.S. states.. Entre 1960 et 2004, le Missouri est aussi un État-clé lors des élections présidentielles américaines. Le premier débat télévisé de l’histoire des élections présidentielles américaines se joue le 26 septembre 1960 et deviendra alors un rituel de la campagne. The legislative achievements of Congress were mixed, but, by the time the traditional presidential campaign season kicked off on Labor Day in September, Nixon’s and Kennedy’s responsibilities in Congress were all but forgotten. Results of the American presidential election, 1960. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. From January until the West Virginia primary in May, Kennedy and Humphrey crisscrossed the country in quest of delegate votes for the Democratic convention. Fourteen unpledged electors from Alabama and Mississippi voted for Democratic Senator Harry F. Byrd from Virginia, as many Southern Democrats opposed the national party's stance on civil rights. La mort, avant son entrée en fonction, du sénateur républicain élu du Wyoming et son remplacement par un sénateur démocrate désigné par le gouverneur de l'Etat laisse les républicains avec un gain net d'un siège et les démocrates avec la confortable majorité de 65 sièges co… Richard M. Nixon. Stop l'infox / Émissions / Reporters; Afrique, 1960 : quatre visages de l'indépendance. The Democratic nominee, Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, was 43; the Republican, Vice Pres. Les dix derniers scrutins présidentiels, depuis 1980, mobilisaient autour de … In that speech, on September 12, he declared: I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish—where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source—where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials—and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all. Nixon chose as his running mate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., a former U.S. senator from Massachusetts. Omissions? Deux nouveaux États admis en 1959, l'Alaska et Hawaï ont participé à leur première élec… At the time, the presidential campaign was the longest and the most intensive ever held in the United States. 1960 United States House of Representatives elections, 1960 United States gubernatorial elections, "Kennedy Wins 1960 Presidential Election", "Statistics of the Presidential and Congressional Election of November 8, 1960", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=1960_United_States_elections&oldid=991101562, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 28 November 2020, at 07:39. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York, who had indicated late in 1959 that he might seek the Republican nomination, withdrew in late December in the face of almost total opposition by Republican Party leaders. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). For the results of the previous election, see United States presidential election of 1956. Nixon entered some of the primaries, but only to demonstrate his vote-getting abilities. An estimated 85–120 million Americans watched one or more of the debates. Kennedy won easily and was especially strong in Milwaukee and other areas where there were large numbers of Catholic voters. Two weeks later, in Chicago, the Republicans nominated Nixon. He would become only the second Roman Catholic ever to be nominated for president by a major party (the first was Democratic Gov. The 1960 United States elections was held on November 8, and elected the members of the 87th United States Congress. Eh bien !, trompé par la presse « main stream », vous ne savez pas ! Politics at CNN has news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics Find news and video about elections, the White House, the U.N and much more. Throughout the primaries and the fall campaign, Kennedy’s religion was a dominant issue. The 2000 through 2008 pages also include the results maps for President by U.S. Congressional District! The 14 unpledged electors in Alabama and Mississippi and 1 pledged elector in Oklahoma cast their votes for Sen. Harry F. Byrd, a Democrat from Virginia. Kennedy was also the first president born in the 20th century. Dossier : Élections américaines 2020 ... Pacifiste, il a été contre la guerre au Vietnam dans les années 1960 et demande aujourd'hui le rapatriement des soldats déployés dans le monde. The phrase “New Frontier” is associated with which U.S. president? Au sujet des élections américaines, vous pensez, vous croyez que vous savez. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–61), Lodge—whose grandfather had 30 years earlier led the Senate opposition to U.S. participation in the League of Nations—was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and as such the principal U.S. spokesman in that world organization. Until then, however, the president had seemed to stay in the background. The Democratic Party retained control of Congress and won the presidency. Kennedy's general election victory made him the first Catholic president. In the presidential election, Democratic Senator John F. Kennedy from Massachusetts defeated sitting Republican Vice President Richard Nixon. (2001). The results of the 1960 U.S. presidential election are provided in the table. Sources: Electoral and popular vote totals based on data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and Congressional Quarterly's Guide to U.S. Click states on this interactive map to create your own 2020 election forecast. United States presidential election of 1960. The Democratic Party retained control of Congress and won the presidency. Although Nixon showed a mastery of the issues, it is generally agreed that Kennedy, with his relaxed and self-confident manner, as well as his good looks (in contrast to Nixon’s “five o’clock shadow”), benefited the most from the exchanges. It will take 270 electoral votes to win the 2020 presidential election. Kennedy won the Democratic nomination on the first ballot, defeating Texas Senator Lyndon B. Johnson. Les campagnes électorales s’adaptent aux évolutions des outils de communication permettant d’atteindre la cible électorale. Mis ensuite aux oubliettes, le débat reviendra en 1976, avec Gérald Ford et Jimmy Carter. Nixon received his party’s presidential nomination and was opposed in the 1960 general election by Democrat John F. Kennedy. Although the debates were sometimes compared to the historic debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas (see also Lincoln-Douglas debates), they were more in the nature of joint press conferences, with reporters asking questions.
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